R — Fall 21

Lesson 3 — Boxplots


I. Goals of this Lesson:

1) Create side-by-side boxplots via the R command (scroll to the bottom of the page for details):



2) Learn the R command to remove all objects:


(Scroll to the bottom of the page for the commands to clear the screen.)



II.Watch the video to learn how to create boxplots:

Lesson 3 — Boxplots


III. Here are the arguments (inputs) to include in the command boxplot():

names               Group labels which will be printed under each boxpot

xlab                   Label for the x axis

ylab                   Label for the y axis

main                 Title for the entire diagram

col                     Colors for the boxplots (see below for more details)


IV. If you want to do horizontal boxplots, include the following argument (you also need to make sure your x label and y label make sense).

horizontal         TRUE


V. Here is a list of colors in R:



VI. To clear your screen in the R Console:

To clear the screen in Mac, type command + option + L

To clear the screen in Windows, type control + L


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