Each lab work is worth 2 points total.
The grader will follow the grading scheme below:
1) If more than one single PDF is submitted, your submission will NOT be accepted. That is, you will receive a zero for the assignment.
2) For each mistake, a minimum of 0.1 point will be deducted. For example, missing a label for the horizontal axis for the bar graph (0.1 point deduction), missing steps in your calculations when the video asks you to include those steps (a minimum of 0.1 point deduction), etc.
3) For each missing sub-part or question, points will be deducted proportionally.
4) If your assignment is difficult to read, the grader will deduct 0.2 point as a first-time warning. If it happens again, your assignment will NOT be accepted—that is, you will receive a zero for the assignment.
(The reason is that I am aiming for a fast turnaround time from the grader so that you can receive timely feedback on your homework. Also, I cannot afford to pay the grader a lot of hours so I need the grader to be as efficient as possible.)
The following are some (but not all) of the examples of what we mean by “difficult to read”:
—Not using a scan (photos tend to have dark shadows and hard to read — so you MUST use a scan. Scanning is free on campus! Or you can scan with your phones. Here is how.)
— Questions not in order
— Scan too blurry
— Ink too light
— Messy work e.g. crossing out mistakes instead of using erasers
— Handwriting too small
— Scan shown too large on Canvas
— Insufficient spacing between questions or sub-parts which makes it hard to read or find your answers