We will go over one more important topic in Ch 15. Then we start Ch 17, the first chapter in statistical reference.
- There are 5 problems in this lab work (they are all relatively short):
- The following lab work question is exactly the same in both the 8th and the 9th edition. The only difference is the question number:
- In the 8th edition, it is #15.31 (In the 9th edition, it is #15.33): —
- In this question, we interpret tail probability.
- In the 8th edition, it is #15.31 (In the 9th edition, it is #15.33): —
- #17.2 a) and b) from the 9th edition — reasoning of hypothesis testing
- 3 questions not in the book — setting hypotheses
- The video explains the concept and shows you how to do the lab work:
Ch 15 (tail probability) & Ch 17
- Submit your lab work as one single PDF file to Canvas before the due date.